Friday 25 January 2008

TTV/SETTV Idol Drama "Bull Fighting" Wraps Up

TTV/SETTV Idol Drama "Bull Fighting, Up To It?" had a wine celebration the previous night. Mike He, Hebe, LeeWei, Jian Chang, and Ke Huan all waited until the whole crew arrived. Mike He said, "During celebration time, inside my heart, I think the five different flavors all combine together, I am a bit happy inside, although I do feel a bit rejected and sad. The happy times are over, nobody wants to part without each other after working for a whole half ayear, I am really touched by what everyone has done. We are separating today, and I'm really dejected."After the celebration, Mike He plans to go out of country to rest; LeeWei had his schedule full during New Year, so now, he hopes to spend more time with his grandma; Hebe just never stops, she's already at the Mainland. Tomorrow (24th), she's attending the Movie "Chang Jiang Qi Hao" Beijing concert!To follow up, "Bull Fighting, Up To It?" had tons of products that featured the stars, and the book sold more than two million copies. When television first prodcasts a show, something moral-like is usually told; in this case, it was, "Ruo He wil lturn to Sheng Xue to get help for 'begging his mother." LeeWei said, "Do other TV shows display similar morals? Let's all take a look.""Bull Fighting, Up To It?" took half a year to film. Mike He went through SETTV's filming process, learning a lot from Director Liu Jun Jie, showing himself well onscreen; Hebe is where Director Liu worked the hardest. Hebe said, "The very first moment I met him, I told the director that I cannot play basketball, and I cannot cry. The director told me, 'No problem, let me take care of it, if there's any problem, just say so,' LeeWei commented, "She (Hebe) is my closest female actress in the cast, her acting is really natural."LeeWei has worked with Director Liu three times, and he hopes to work with him again. LeeWei and Hebe both said together at the same time, "Mike He could go act in another drama! He is Taiwan's greatest idol!" During the celebration, everyone was crazy about "Bull Fighting," and they all played a PK game. Hebe copied the director's actions for fun -- Hebe will be oing to the Mainland from Taiwan, she said, "in the Mainland, 'Bull Fighting, Up To It?' is really popular. When I visit, a lot of people call me, "Yi Sheng Xue!"After the celebration, everyone said goodbye, Hebe headed to the Mainland. Today, she attended the Movie "Change Jiang Qi Hao" Beijing concert. Mike is going out of country to take a break, and LeeWei will be spending more time with his grandma.

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